Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Why "The Gift" Blog

Being a missionary for many years now I have realized the beauty of life when it is shared to people in a way that we don't calculate anything in return but absolutely a pure service. I have met so many people as I lived my life each day that I could have never imagined meeting had I continued doing what I was doing before. Not that being in an office, working 40hrs a week (or more) is not a good life. I do not mean that way in fact it was how I started experiencing the desire to do more to my life than just being in the office dealing with computer works, business, finances etc. After turning my life around and focus more on giving than receiving, I have this inner desire to make my little experiences known to others but I didn't know how. It is not easy to reach out to people out there -from other walks of life, culture, places. But I had this inner hope to be able to just share - not to keep to myself the joy I am experiencing each day living in freedom in the service of many.Then one day, as I was working on some inspirational talks to give to a group of young students, I came across a blog about faith. I started contributing a little to the blog until it dawned on me that maybe I should try to do blog. Maybe I can reach those out there like you whom I may not meet in my life by bringing some of my experiences to you through blogging, and that hopefully you too may find the joy in being a gift.

This desire gave birth to "The Gift"blog. Through the blog I found a way to express my few thoughts or reflections to some life's adventures from the people I've met and have shared life with.  You can tell from my writings that I am not a professional blogger, but what I have I want simply to share.  If it bears fruit, may God be praised!

I gave this blog the title "The Gift" simply because I have found that I have received the Gift by giving and I wanted to make known that we are all capable of giving the ultimate gift and in return receiving the ultimate gift we received.

As a missionary of the gospel, I met young and old people, rich and poor, orphans and abandoned. I  worked with the homeless people in the street of the Bronx. I have been blessed to help build houses of poor family in South America. I have had the chance to meet some good Jewish communities as well as good Islamic communities. One experience I will not forget was when a friend of mine was diagnosed of a terminal and incurable disease. I witnessed the stages of her "cross". It was an eye opener at least to me to realize that sometimes, the "why" things happen is hard to answer. That sometimes we just couldn't figure out a way out; a scape... I committed myself to accompany her and it was an experience that showed me what the vision of Truth and trust could do to transform even a soul in agony. As her physical condition worsened I saw her interior transformation from anger and rage to acceptance and forgiveness and at the moment of her death, abandonment, peace and joy as she was being prepared by God for the final face of her journey. I have had privilege to accompany some people who have been in very difficult situations or moment in their lives that made me realize the importance of friendship and companionship to everyone no matter who the person is. Time spent as listener can change or even save life. I knew a good priest who had experience seeing a young man took his own life from losing someone who means a lot to him and could not see hope of saving a relationship. It was a hard lesson in life.

The gift journey is my way of sharing reflections of my journey to those whose time are mostly spent at this new technology and the experiences I have by going out in the world and experience life at the front line where the "actions and activities" happen when I meet people who are in need. Life is so precious to contain within oneself. It is meant to be shared and be lived to its fullness, only then each one of us can experience to be a gift to others and at the same time to experience receiving the ultimate gift.

I will conclude this blog with one more sharing. If you think I have shared something worth reading, I hope you'll comment on my last blog as well as share it with other people whom you think would be willing to be a gift to others and themselves. When we love ,we want to give the best to the one who means a lot to us. Sharing something that can help them experience joy is worth the effort.

God Bless.


  1. Hi Daniel. You have a very beautiful blog and your experiences are worth sharing. I hope you would continue doing so :)

    Your heart is pure and I could sense that you have so many gifts to share.

    Shouldn't a lamp be placed on a lampstand? (Mk 4, 21b)...Lots of love and prayer!

    1. Thank you.
      We only have one life to live.
      The world is not our destination (at least I hope so)...
      How would we want to leave a legacy of this precious life to the next generation or to at least one soul? I think the answer is up to us all.
      God Bless you on your life's journey.
